49 Masonic Home Fund and Trustees

NO. 49. Masonic Home Fund And Trustees
Resolved: That the sum of two thousand dollars be and hereby is appropriated from the funds of Grand Lodge for the establishment of a Masonic Home Fund for the relief of indigent Masons and the widows and orphans of Masons. Said fund to be administered by a board of five trustees of which the Grand Master shall be one, and chairman, ex-officio. Said trustees shall be first appointed by the Grand Master for terms of four, three and two, and one year, respectively, and thereafter the Grand Master shall appoint at each Annual Communication one trustee who shall serve for four years. In the event of death or resignation of any trustee the Grand Master shall appoint a trustee to serve during the unexpired term of such trustee.
The said trustees shall invest and re-invest said fund in their discretion, and may use the income only thereof for the relief of Masons or their widows or orphans in this jurisdiction.
Said fund shall not be used for any other purpose than is herein before provided without the consent of three-fourths of all the members present at a special communication of Grand Lodge called by the Grand Master for the purpose.
The trustees shall report the condition of the fund at each Annual Communication.
When the fund shall amount to fifty thousand dollars a special committee shall be appointed by the Grand Master to determine whether the fund is sufficient to establish a Masonic Home, and whether it is expedient to do so at that time, and report their findings to Grand Lodge.
Said trustees shall appoint a representative in each lodge in the jurisdiction who shall urge the craftsmen from time to time to donate to this fund, requesting those amply provided for in material things to remember the fund in their wills; said representative shall report to the trustees at least thirty days before each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge.
Amended May 18, 1942; May 19, 1948.