C - Selected Ritual

8.1 Annual Communication And Election

8.1.1 The role of the Senior Warden

The presiding Senior Warden at the Annual Communication must be aware of his role relative to the completion of the reading of the Master's annual report. Rising, he shall announce:

Brethren, you have heard the annual report of our Worshipful Master; what is your pleasure?

Following a motion and second (preferably by the Junior Warden) that the Master's report be received, recorded and placed on file, he shall further announce:

Brethren, you have heard a motion made and seconded, that the Master's report be received, recorded and placed on file. All those in favor will vote by the usual sign of the Craft; all those opposed?

After reporting the voting results aloud, he may call up the lodge to applaud the Master's efforts of the past year at his discretion.

8.1.2 Ritual for the outgoing master

The outgoing Master must know the ritual expected of him in closing his term of office:

Right Worshipful, I have now closed my term of office and return to you the gavel, the emblem of my authority; also the jewel with which I was invested. The charter of this lodge I am prepared to surrender to my successor.

8.1.3 Lodge of sorrow

A Lodge of Sorrow is closed by the outgoing Master just prior to the presentation of his annual report, and the incoming Master is encouraged to open a Lodge of Sorrow for the ensuing year as follows:

  1. SEMI-PUBLIC INSTALLATION - in the tiled lodge, preceding the Semi-Public Section, immediately following his invitation to the East as Master-Elect, presented the gavel and his hat, is seated in the Oriental Chair and given Private Honors.
  2. CLOSED INSTALLATION - upon completion of all ceremonies and immediately after the District Deputy places the lodge in his care. Opening a lodge of sorrow

Prior to its opening, the Master shall inform the brethren that a Lodge of Sorrow will relieve the lodge of opening a lodge of Master Masons in the lodge or in a funeral home when a Memorial Service is to be performed. A Lodge of Sorrow is opened just prior to the closing of the Annual Communication while in a tiled lodge.

WM Brethren, I am about to open a Lodge of Sorrow. You will give your attention and assistance.
WM *
WM Brother Junior Deacon.
JD Worshipful Master.
WM You will inform the Tiler that I am about to open a Lodge of Sorrow within this lodge of Master Masons, and direct him to tile accordingly.
JD * * *
Tiler *
JD Brother Tiler, the Worshipful Master is about to open a Lodge of Sorrow within this lodge of Master Masons, and directs you to tile accordingly.
JD Worshipful Master, we are duly tiled.
WM * * *
WM Brother Marshal, you will conduct the Chaplain to the Altar for Prayer.

Chaplain gives the following Prayer:

Our Heavenly Father, as we prepare to commemorate the departure of our beloved Brethren, we pray that Thou wilt make us deeply sensible of the shortness and uncertainty of human life. Grant that when we shall have served Thee in our generation we may be gathered into the Great Lodge Above, having the testimony of a good conscience and in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope, and in favor with Thee Our God, and in perfect charity with the world. All which we ask in Thy Holy Name. Amen

WM I now declare a Lodge of Sorrow open within this Lodge of Master Masons, and to remain open in memory of all departed Brethren until the next Annual Communication of this lodge. Brother Junior Deacon, you will inform the Tiler.
JD * * *
Tiler *
JD Brother Tiler, the Worshipful Master declares a Lodge of Sorrow open within this lodge of Master Masons, and directs you to tile accordingly.
JD Worshipful Master, we are duly tiled.
WM * Closing a lodge of sorrow

A Lodge of Sorrow is closed just prior to the Master's report in a tiled lodge.

WM Brethren, I am about to close a Lodge of Sorrow. You will give your attention and assistance.
WM *
WM Brother Junior Deacon.
JD Worshipful Master.
WM You will inform the Tiler that I am about to close a Lodge of Sorrow, and direct him to tile accordingly.
JD * * *
Tiler *
JD Brother Tiler, the Worshipful Master is about to close a Lodge of Sorrow, and directs you to tile accordingly.
JD Worshipful Master, we are duly tiled.
WM * * *
WM * * *
WM Brother Marshal, you will conduct the Chaplain to the Altar for Prayer.

Chaplain gives the following Prayer:

Our Heavenly Father, as we close this Lodge of Sorrow, we pray that Thou wilt make us deeply sensible of the shortness and uncertainty of human life. Grant that when we shall have served Thee in our generation we may be gathered into the Grand Lodge Above, having the testimony of a good conscience and in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope, and in favor with Thee Our God, and in perfect charity with the world. All which we ask in Thy Holy Name. Amen

WM I now declare a Lodge of Sorrow closed, and the work of this Annual Communication resumed. Brother Junior Deacon, you will inform the Tiler and direct him to tile accordingly.
JD * * *
Tiler *
JD Brother Tiler, the Worshipful Master declares a Lodge of Sorrow closed and the work of this Annual Communication resumed, and directs you to tile accordingly.
JD Worshipful Master, we are duly tiled.
WM *

8.1.4 Teller's ballot results announcement

The appointed tellers at the Annual Election are to use the following ritual when directed to count and announce the ballot by the District Deputy:
Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master, there have been (number) ballots cast for the office of (office) in this lodge. Necessary for a choice: (number). Brother (last name) has the necessary majority.

8.2 Semi-public installation of officers

8.2.1 Opening prologue and reception

Semi-public installations are distinguished from closed in that we are able to share our ceremony and achievements with our friends, families and loved ones. Additionally, it affords an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our ritual skills to those normally without the lodge. The following procedure, often called the Prologue to the Installation, is to be conducted from memory by a Past Master or other Master Mason, or the Assistant Grand Lecturer of the district in cases where a Past Master or Master Mason is Not available In any case, he shall be referred to as the SPEAKER in the following procedure.

The Speaker accompanied by his selected Marshal and Chaplain (not those of the Lodge) shall enter and assume their respective stations.


Since no Masonic Lodge or gathering of Freemasons should be opened without the benefit of prayer, Brother Chaplain, you will lead us in prayer. Brother Marshal, you will conduct the Chaplain to the Altar. (done)


Brothers, ladies and friends, you will please be seated.
This evening you are to witness the Semi-Public Installation of the Officers of (name) Lodge. Before you meet the installing officers and witness this ceremony, I would bring your attention to the following brief statement of our institution.
No living person knows when Masonry began. Many of the symbols of the organization go back to the very childhood of civilization; back to the days when the written word was rare, if it existed at all. During the Middle Ages and the rise of Gothic architecture are found two distinct classes of Masons: The guild Masons, who like the guild carpenters or weavers or merchants, were local in character and strictly regulated by law, and the Freemasons, who traveled from city to city as their services were needed to design and to erect marvelous churches and cathedrals which stand today inimitable in beauty. These operative Freemasons were the artists, the leaders, the teachers, the mathematicians, and the poets of their time.
In the beginning only craftsmen were admitted. But with the reformation great buildings were not being erected and the craftsmen came to a standstill. To preserve the organization of Freemasons, learned men continued to meet and take in others as Òspeculative MasonsÓ who were outstanding men in their communities. From this has developed the present day Ancient and Accepted Society of Free and Accepted Masons. Men who are dedicated to the building of temples in the heart of man. Many of the great leaders of this world have been and are Freemasons. Freemasons have fought and died for our country and for the honor of their craft. And why?
Masonry teaches man to practice charity and benevolence, to protect chastity, to respect the ties of blood and friendship, to adopt the principles and revere the ordinances of religion, to assist the feeble, guide the blind, raise up the downtrodden, shelter the orphaned, guard the Altar, support the government, inculcate morality, promote learning, love man, fear God, and implore His mercy and hope for happiness.
Thus fortified, a Freemason can face the future with confidence, walking uprightly in his various stations before God and man.
Tonight, we are to install those who have been chosen to rule and govern this lodge for the ensuing year. They are men who value friendship, morality, brotherly love and true faith in God and immortality.
Brother Marshal, you will escort the installing officers into the lodge room.

The Marshal presents the installing officers before the Altar and introduces them to the presiding Speaker who welcomes them and directs that the District Deputy Grand Master be escorted to the East and his Grand Master of Ceremonies to his station.

Right Worshipful Brother (last name), (number) District Deputy Grand Master, MAY I present to you the gavel of (name) Lodge and ask that you proceed with the installation. (done)

The District Deputy will then proceed with the installation.

8.3 Miscellaneous

8.3.1 The ritual of balloting

Like degree work, balloting is important and serious ritual; there is no place for levity in our ritual. Balloting is always conducted while the lodge is at labor; there should be no talking among members loud enough to disturb this crucial work. Only regular members of a lodge are permitted to vote, and it is the duty of every regular member present to do so. Members may be excused from voting by the Master, and only after due application for such prior to the spreading of any ballots per the Constitution, Article VII, Section 1.7.25. Balloting on an applicant

The following ritual is provided for use when balloting on an applicant for the degrees in Freemasonry. It assumes that all requirements for the petition have been met as specified in the Constitution, Section 1.7.13. The Master may select different brethren for ballot distribution and collection, and can substitute appropriate wording where necessary to use the ritual for other voting issues.

  1. The Secretary will read the completed petition aloud and deliver it to the Master when finished.
  2. The Master will then make the following announcement:
    • Brethren, you have heard the petition and favorable report of the Investigating Committee for Mr. (full name) of (address, city), who has applied to (name) Lodge No. (number) for the degrees in Freemasonry.
    • Before we ballot on this applicant, let me remind you that it is the duty of every regular member present to vote. Members who wish to be excused from voting must make those wishes known now. (done)
    • Brother Junior Deacon, you will spread the ballot; Brother Senior Deacon, you will prepare to collect the ballot.
  3. c. The Junior Deacon will proceed to give each regular member two ballots, one of which shall be white and the other black. He should spread said ballots in the following general order:
    • 1. Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden.
    • 2. Secretary, Marshal and members along the South.
    • 3. Sentinel and Tiler (allow Sentinel to summon Tiler with the usual alarm).
    • 4. Members along the North, Treasurer, and Chaplain.
  4. The Senior Deacon will assume a position west of the Altar with the ballot box in his possession.
  5. When finished, the Junior Warden will return to his station and make the following announcement:
  6. The Master will satisfy himself that all members present have indeed received a black and white ballot, then make the following announcement:
    • Brethren, remember that a white ballot accepts, and a black ballot rejects; please cast your vote for the good of the Craft.
    • I now declare the ballot open for Mr. (full name) of (address, city), who has applied to (name) Lodge No. (number) for the degrees in Freemasonry. (raps gavel)
  7. The Senior Deacon will proceed to the East and hand the ballot box to the Master. The Master will satisfy himself that the ballot box is empty, then deposit his ballot and return the ballot box to the Senior Deacon.
  8. The Senior Deacon will then proceed to collect all ballots in the same general order specified for spreading. When finished, he will resume his position west of the Altar and await further orders.
  9. The Master will satisfy himself that all members present have indeed voted, then make the following announcement:
    • I now declare the ballot closed. (raps gavel)
    • Brother Senior Deacon, you will present the ballot box before the South, the West and the East for examination.
  10. The Senior Deacon will present the ballot box to the Junior Warden who will examine the contents of the box for the presence of a black ballot, and finding none, will return it to the Senior Deacon, and then make the following announcement:
    • Worshipful Master, I find the ballot clear in the South.
  11. The Senior Deacon will then present the ballot box to the Senior Warden who will examine the contents of the box for the presence of a black ballot, and finding none, will return it to the Senior Deacon, and then make the following announcement:
    • Worshipful Master, I find the ballot clear in the West.
  12. The Senior Deacon will finally present the ballot box to the Master who will examine the contents of the box for the presence of a black ballot, and finding none, will return it to the Senior Deacon, and then make the following announcement:
    • And I find the ballot clear in the East. Brethren, you will take due notice that you have elected Mr. (full name) of (address, city) to receive the degrees in Freemasonry. Brother Secretary, you will see that he is so informed.
    • Brother Junior and Senior Deacon, you will collect all remaining ballots. (done)

NOTE: If a black ballot is discovered during the course of examination, the respective announcement(s) will necessarily change from clear to foul, and the petitioner shall be rejected. If, however, only one black ballot is present, the Master may, assuming a mistake, immediately order a second ballot, which shall be final.