B - Rescindments

This article contains two sections: 7.1 Rescinded Decisions and 7.2 Rescinded standing orders. There are two subsections containing lists of rescinded Decisions and Standing Orders. Links to the sections are provided here.

7.1.1 Purpose and scope

7.2.1 Purpose and scope

7.1 Rescinded Decisions

7.1.1 Purpose and scope

This section provides a repository for all Decisions which have been rescinded for one reason or another. They are printed here for reference only. See Section 7.2 for a list of rescinded Standing Orders.

NO. 05. Recommendations from rejecting lodges
Decision, A profane, rejected by a lodge which has not legal jurisdiction over him, is not obliged to apply to that lodge for a recommendation to the lodge within whose jurisdiction he resides. The first rejection is null and void.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.15. May 15, 1871. (Doyle, GM)
Rescinded November 20, 1978.

NO. 06. Implicit reference to demitted members
Decision: Our Constitution does not explicitly refer to applicants for membership who have once been demitted from the lodge; but as it does provide for members of other lodges, or unaffiliated Masons, these provisions must apply to the class first named.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.20. November 16, 1868. (Doyle, GM)
Rescinded November 16, 1985.

NO. 16. Participation in processions
Decision: That a lodge could not unite in a procession on the fourth of July, or appear in public as a lodge except for the burial of a brother or for the performance of some Masonic work.
November 19, 1866. (Doyle, GM)
Rescinded May 14, 1989.

NO. 28. Communication particulars not in by-laws
Decision: In answer to the question as to how a lodge that had no by-law on the subject could change the evening of its regular Communications? I replied that the lodge by a majority vote at any regular Communication could do so.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.24. May 15, 1882. (Freeman, GM)
(date rescinded Not available)

NO. 43. Clarification St. Andrews' jurisdiction
Decision: That the intention of the Grand Lodge, as deducted from its order of May 20, 1895 (See Standing Order No. 39), was to locate St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 39, at least for the purpose of determining the territory over which the lodge should have jurisdiction, in the settlement commonly and colloquially known as the village of Riverside.
That the subordinate lodge having been so located by Grand Lodge, it is not within the power of the subordinate lodge, nor of the Grand Master, to change the territory over which the subordinate lodge shall exercise jurisdiction; that power resides only in Grand Lodge, and there, subject to constitutional restrictions.
A lodge having been, by order of Grand Lodge, located in a specified village, communications held outside of the confines of that village, without a dispensation, are irregularly so held.
There being no such corporate body as a village known to the law of Rhode Island, a charter locating the lodge in a village will be construed as locating the lodge in the community or compact settlement colloquially and generally known by the name appearing in the charter.
Standing Order No. 39. November 15, 1897. (Van Slyck, G. M)

NO. 49. Clarification of residence requirements
Decision: That the residence of a petitioner for the degrees within the State must be continuous during the year next preceding the presentation of the petition.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.16. May 15, 1899. (Van Slyck, GM)
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 54. Suspension without notice
Decision: A subordinate lodge cannot suspend a member for non-payment of dues without first serving him with a notice to appear and show cause why he should not be suspended according to Article VII, Section 1.7.27 of the Constitution.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.27. November 20, 1899. (Livsey, GM)
(date rescinded Not available)

NO. 56. Full accrued dues required
Decision: Where a member who was suspended for non-payment of dues was re-instated upon the payment of two years' dues, when several years' dues had accrued, decided that as the action of the lodge was contrary to the provisions of Section 1.7.27, Article VII of the Constitution, said action was null and void, and that the relation of the brother to the lodge was the same as before said action was taken.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.27. November 20, 1899. (Livsey, GM)
(date rescinded Not available)

NO. 65. Number of petition signatures
Decision: The provision of the Constitution requiring a petition for the degrees to be signed by at least two members of the lodge to which the applicant applies, cannot be waived by the lodge.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.13. May 19, 1913. (Davis, GM)
Rescinded November 19, 1988.

NO. 69. Masonic funerals and cremated remains
Decision: I held that it was proper to conduct a Masonic funeral where the body had been cremated, provided the ashes were to be entombed or interred, but not otherwise.
Gen. Regulations, Art. II, Sec. 2.2.5. May 21, 1917. (Scott, GM)
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 71. Refusal to grant release of jurisdiction
Decision, Refusal to grant a release of jurisdiction over an applicant does not give exclusive jurisdiction to the lodge so refusing, and an application may be received by any of the lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with said lodge, without requesting a release, or by the lodge which previously refused the release.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.12. November 21, 1927. (Sweet, GM)
(date rescinded Not available)

NO. 75. Not available

NO. 76. Not available

NO. 77. Not available

NO. 79. Title for Grand Chaplains and Associate Grand Chaplains
Decision: I ruled that the Grand Chaplain and the Associate Grand Chaplains carry the title RIGHT WORSHIPFUL (R:.W:.), without the requirement of being Master or Past Master of a lodge, and they continue to use the title R:.W:. (except in the case of the Grand Chaplain and the Associate Grand Chaplains who hold Grand Lodge membership), only during their term of office.
Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 1.2.1. November 21, 1961. (Allen, GM)
Rescinded November 18, 1989.

No. 82. Separate Ballot for Each Petition.
Decision: In Article VII, Section 1.7.25, of the Grand Constitution, the implications and the intent are very definite that each petition “for the degrees—or for membership” must be voted on separately. However it is not stated clearly that only one petition may be acted upon in any one ballot. Therefore, I ruled that a ‘separate ballot must be taken upon each petition for the degrees or for membership.’
Rescinded February 3, 2011


7.2 Rescinded standing orders

7.2.1 Purpose and scope

This section provides a repository for all Standing Orders which have been rescinded for one reason or another. As with the previous section, they are printed here for reference only.

NO. 03. Concurrent jurisdiction of Jenks and Union lodges
Resolved: That Jenks Lodge No. 24, shall hold and exercise concurrent jurisdiction with Union Lodge No. 10, in the same as though both lodges were located in the same town.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 19, 1866.
Rescinded November 15, 1969.

NO. 04. Boundary between Granite and Friendship
Resolved: That the southerly and easterly jurisdictional line of Granite Lodge No. 26, F. & A.M., as between it and said Friendship Lodge No. 7, be delineated and established as follows:
As per the present boundary line between Burrillville and Glocester from the State line of Connecticut, easterly to the Boston road (so called), thence northeasterly, in line of said Boston road, to the northwesterly corner of Glendale bridge, and thence by true meridian line north to its intersection with the southwesterly jurisdictional line of Morning Star Lodge No. 13.
Thus leaving the villages of Mohegan and Nasonville, as at present situated, with the jurisdiction of said Friendship Lodge, No. 7.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 16, 1885.
Rescinded November 15, 1969.

NO. 06. Distribution of the proceedings
Resolved: That the number of copies of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge to which the subordinate lodge shall hereafter be entitled, shall be: one copy for each of the first three officers; one copy for the Secretary, to be retained in the archives of the lodge, and an additional number of copies, equal in all to one-tenth of the membership of said lodge. Also three copies to each Grand Lodge in correspondence with this Grand Lodge; one copy to each representative of this Grand Lodge; one copy to each public Library as heretofore sent; so many copies as are necessary to make exchanges for the library of Grand Lodge, and for all other copies the Grand Secretary shall exact the sum of thirty cents each.
November 19, 1883.
Rescinded May 19, 1947.

NO. 18.1. Relocation of Redwood
Ordered: That the charter of Redwood Lodge No. 35, now of Providence, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge to Cranston, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
April 17, 1975.
Re-designated from No. 98 November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 20. Charter of Nestell lodge
Ordered: That a charter be issued to Nestell Lodge, to be located at Providence, and to be numbered 37.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 17, 1880.
Amended November 15, 1969.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 20.1. Relocation of Nestell
Ordered: That the charter of Nestell Lodge No. 37, now of Providence, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge of Greenville, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
May 28, 1975.
Re-designated from No. 99 November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 20.2. Second relocation of Nestell
Ordered: That the charter of Nestell Lodge No. 37, now of Greenville, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge to Cranston, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
July 18, 1983.
Re-designated from No. 102 November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 25. Notice to those in arrears
Resolved: That each subordinate lodge shall cause a copy of Section 1.7.27, of Article VII, of the Constitution, to be given to each member of the lodge whose non-payment of dues it is intended to take action upon.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.27. May 17, 1880.
Rescinded May 15, 1939.

NO. 29. Jurisdiction of Narragansett Bay Islands
Report of Commission on Jurisdictional Lines: We have, with two exceptions, so drawn the lines as to leave each person in the State under the jurisdiction of the lodge whose place of meeting is nearest in an air line to his place of residence. In case where two or more lodges have concurrent jurisdiction, the place of meeting of the oldest lodge has been taken as the center of the jurisdictional territory.
Certain islands in Narragansett Bay, from which communication is limited or difficult, have been, as a matter of convenience, marked as being under the concurrent jurisdiction of all the lodges whose jurisdictional territory bounds on the salt water. A small part of Little Compton, which would, if the lines were drawn with strict accuracy, be left in the jurisdiction of St. John's Lodge No. 1, has been for the same reason included in the jurisdiction of Eureka Lodge No. 22.
WHEREUPON, it is Ordered: That the report be received, and the recommendations of the Commission adopted.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 21, 1883.
Rescinded November 15, 1969.

NO. 32. Power of finance committee chairman
Ordered: That the Chairman of the Finance Committee be authorized to represent the Grand Lodge at all meetings of The Freemasons' Hall Company, and that he have power to appoint a substitute, if unable to be present.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. May 19, 1884.
Rescinded November 15, 1969.

NO. 36. Jurisdictional map
Resolved: That the Grand Secretary be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be prepared a map showing the jurisdictional lines of the lodges within this State, and that such map be the official guide when approved by the Grand Master.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.4.5. May 16, 1891.
Rescinded November 15, 1969.

NO. 37. Authorized ritual for the three degrees
Ordered: That the ritual of the three degrees, as presented by the special committee April 13, A.D. 1892, and amended by this Grand Lodge, be, and the same is, hereby declared to be the authorized work of this jurisdiction, and no other shall be permitted in the subordinate lodges.
April 13, 1892.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 41. How dues accrue
Dues continue to accrue during a suspension for a definite period.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.27. November 21, 1898.
(date rescinded Not available)

NO. 45. Omission of past master's degree
Resolved: That the conferring of the Past Master's degree be omitted from the ceremony of installation.
November 18, 1907.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 54. Charter of Roosevelt lodge
Ordered: That a charter be issued to Roosevelt Lodge to be located at Providence, to be numbered 42.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 15, 1922.
Amended November 15, 1969; November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 54.1. Relocation of Roosevelt
Ordered: That the charter of Roosevelt Lodge No. 42, now of Providence, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge to Centredale, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
Feb. 24, 1975.
Re-designated from No. 97 November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 54.2. Second relocation of Roosevelt
Ordered: That the charter of Roosevelt Lodge No. 42, now of Centredale, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge to Cranston, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
Aug. 15, 1977.
Re-designated from No. 101 November 16, 1996.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 55. Not available

NO. 56. Masonic service board members
Resolved: That the Masonic Service Board, created by resolution adopted May 16, 1921, shall hereafter consist of three members to be appointed by the Grand Master, one to serve one year, one for two years and one for three years, and at each Annual Communication thereafter there shall be appointed one member to serve for three years.
May 21, 1923.
Rescinded May 17, 1976.

NO. 60. Rhodes lodge
Ordered: That a charter be issued to Rhodes Lodge to be located in the City of Cranston, to be numbered 44.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 21, 1928.
Amended November 15, 1969.
Rescinded November 18, 1989.

NO. 63. Not available

NO. 64. Boundary between St. Johns and Union
Ordered: That the jurisdictional line between Saint Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence, and Union Lodge No. 10, Pawtucket, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with said lodges shall be as follows:
Beginning as heretofore at the Massachusetts-Rhode Island State Line at its intersection with Newman Avenue in the town of East Providence and continuing through the center of the following streets: Newman Avenue, North Broadway, Greenwood Avenue, Wilson Avenue, Bourne Avenue to the high water line of the Seekonk River; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of Blackstone Boulevard and Westford Street in the City of Providence; thence along Westford Street, Holly Street, Fifth Street, North Main Street, Frost Street, Cemetery Street, Smithfield Avenue, Silver Spring Street, DePinedo Street, crossing Windmill Street to Jasper Street, Charles Street, Hagen Street, Langdon Street to the North Providence-Providence boundary line; thence along said line to the point on Woodward Road where said Woodward Road intersects the North Providence-Providence boundary line.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 65. Boundary between St. Johns and Roger Williams
Ordered: That the jurisdictional line between Saint Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence, and Roger Williams Lodge No. 32, Centredale, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with said lodges shall be as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the North Providence-Providence boundary line with Woodward Road and continuing through the center of the following streets: Woodward Road, Veazie Street, Caxton Street, Wild Street, Henrietta Street, Douglas Avenue, General Street, Phebe Street, Admiral Street, Sharon Street, Walton Street, Enfield Avenue, Smith Street, Academy Avenue, Whitford Avenue, Standish Avenue, Chalkstone Avenue, Hunnewell Avenue, Manton Avenue, Glenbridge Avenue, Grimwood Street, Ceaser Street, Rolando Avenue to the Johnston-Providence town line; thence southeasterly along Neutaconkanut Road so-called, to a point where the present jurisdictional line intersects the Johnston-Providence boundary line; thence following the old jurisdictional line to a point where it meets the jurisdictional line of Warwick Lodge No. 16.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 66. Boundary between st. johns and harmony
Ordered: That the jurisdictional line between Saint Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence, and Harmony Lodge No. 9, Pawtuxet, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with said lodges shall be as follows:
Beginning as heretofore at a point where the jurisdictional line between Harmony Lodge No. 9, and Warwick Lodge No. 16, crosses Phenix Avenue and continuing through the center of the following streets: Phenix Avenue, Cranston Street, Park Avenue, Midwood Street, Gleason Street, Hornbine Street, Speck Avenue, Reservoir Avenue, in the City of Cranston to Roger Williams Avenue in the City of Providence to Melrose Street; thence in a straight line to the intersection of Niagara Street and Detroit Avenue; thence along Detroit Avenue, Broad Street, Baker Street, Allens Avenue, and following the old line to the high water line of the Providence River.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 67. Boundary between st. johns and st. andrews
Ordered: That the jurisdictional line between Saint Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence and Saint Andrews Lodge No. 39, Riverside, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with said lodges shall be as follows:
Beginning as heretofore at the high water mark of the Providence River and proceeding to the intersection of Barrington Parkway with South Broadway in the town of East Providence; thence continuing through the center of the following streets: South Broadway, Martin Street, Brown Street, and Warren Avenue to the Rhode Island-Massachusetts State Line.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 68. Boundary between union, roger williams and unity
Ordered: That the jurisdictional line between Union Lodge No. 10, Pawtucket, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with it, and Roger Williams Lodge No. 32, Centredale, and Unity Lodge No. 34, Lonsdale, shall be as follows:
Beginning at the angle point in the Massachusetts-Rhode Island State line south of the Crown Manufacturing Company, thence westerly by the Central Falls line to the Blackstone River, thence northerly and westerly by said river and city line to Lonsdale Avenue at Althea Street; thence southwesterly by said city line and extension thereof to the easterly end of Gardner Avenue; thence westerly by Gardner Avenue and northerly by Smithfield Avenue to Parker Street; thence in a generally westerly direction by Parker Street, Wood Road, Olney Avenue and Cobble Hill Road to the Louisquisset Pike; thence south to Woodward Road and along said Woodward Road to the intersection of the North Providence-Providence boundary line; thence along the northern jurisdictional line of Saint Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence, to the point of beginning in accordance with Standing Order No. 64.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 69. Concurrent jurisdiction of mount moriah and unity
Ordered: That Mount Moriah Lodge No. 8, Lime Rock, and Unity Lodge No. 34, Lonsdale, shall enjoy concurrent jurisdiction in the territory hereafter assigned to them, and that the jurisdictional line between said lodges and Union Lodge No. 10, Pawtucket, and all lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with it, and Morning Star Lodge No. 13, Woonsocket, Temple Lodge No. 18, Greenville, and Roger Williams Lodge No. 32, Centredale. shall be as follows:
Beginning at the angle point in the Massachusetts-Rhode Island State line south of the Crown Manufacturing Company, thence northerly and westerly along the Massachusetts-Rhode Island State line to West Wrentham Road, so-called; thence through the center of West Wrentham Road in a somewhat southerly direction to the Diamond Hill Road; thence through the center of the Diamond Hill Road in a southerly direction to the Tower Hill Road, so-called; thence through the center of Tower Hill Road in a general westerly direction to the Wrentham Road; thence through the center of the Wrentham Road in a generally southerly direction to Mendon Road; thence a short distance through the center of Mendon Road in a southeasterly direction to the Manville Hill Road, so-called; thence through the center of the Manville Hill Road in a southwesterly direction to the Old River Road, so-called, in the village of Manville.
Thence through the center of the Old River Road a short distance in the village of Manville in a northwesterly direction to Cross Road, so-called; thence through the center of Cross Road in a southwesterly direction to the Louisquisset Pike; thence through the center of Louisquisset Pike in a southeasterly direction to the Lincoln-North Smithfield town line; thence along the Lincoln-North Smithfield town line to the North Smithfield-Smithfield town line to the Branch Pike, so-called; thence through the center of Branch Pike in a southerly direction to the Douglas Pike; thence through the center of the Douglas Pike in a southeasterly direction to Whipple Road, so called; thence through the center of Whipple Road in a northeasterly direction to the Georgiaville Road, so called; thence through the center of the Georgiaville Road in a northeasterly direction, to Angell Road, so called; thence through the center of Angell Road in a generally northeasterly direction to the Jenckes Hill Road, so called; thence through center of the Jenckes Hill Road in an easterly direction to the Louisquisset Pike.
Thence through the center of the Louisquisset Pike in a southeasterly direction to Cobble Hill Road; thence along the northern jurisdictional line of Union Lodge No. 10, Pawtucket, and the lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction with it, to the point of beginning as established in Standing Order No. 68.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 70. Jurisdiction of hamilton over temple
Ordered, The jurisdiction of Hamilton Lodge No. 15, shall include that portion of the jurisdiction heretofore held by Temple Lodge No. 18, lying southerly of the Danielson Pike, so-called, and westerly of the North Scituate-Hope Road, so-called, in the town of Scituate, which said territory shall no longer by a part of the jurisdiction of Temple Lodge No. 18.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 17, 1930.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 71. Charter of berlin lodge
Ordered, That a charter by issued to Berlin Lodge to be located in the United States Sector of Berlin, Germany, for the duration of the occupation of the same by the United States Forces, to be numbered 46, the jurisdiction of the lodge to embrace the limits of the United States and British Zones of occupied Germany, together with the United States and British Sectors of Berlin, with the right to accept petitions from the personnel of the occupying forces, only, including both civilians and servicemen stationed in the said occupied territory; and provided that all petitioners so accepted shall hold citizenship in one of the Allied Nations or in one of the Nations which remained neutral during World War II.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 17, 1948.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 75. Not available

NO. 77. Jurisdiction of washington lodge no. 3
Resolved: That Washington Lodge No. 3, F. & A.M., located at Warren, R.I., shall have jurisdiction over all territory falling to the south and east of the line herein described, and that Saint Andrews Lodge No. 39, A.F. & A.M., located at Riverside, R.I., shall have jurisdiction over all territory falling to the north and west of said line, and that wherever a street shall be used in the description of said line, the line shall be deemed to lie in the center of the street named.
Starting at a point in the center of the entrance to Mushechuck Creek - easterly to Washington Road, thence northerly along Washington Road to South Lake Drive, thence along South Lake Drive to Middle Highway to Upland Way, thence along Upland Way to Federal Road across County Road to the westerly shoreline of the Barrington River, thence along the westerly shoreline of the Barrington River and the Runnins River to the East Providence town line.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. May 18, 1953.
Rescinded May 15, 1969.

NO. 80. Relocation of corinthian
Ordered: That the charter of Corinthian Lodge No. 27, be amended to allow it to locate in the City of Cranston, R.I.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
November 15, 1954.
Amended May 21, 1979.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 81. Concurrent jurisdiction of the third masonic district
Ordered: That those lodges which have in the past normally constituted the Third Masonic District, Namely Mount Moriah Lodge No. 8, Union Lodge No. 10, Jenks Lodge No. 24, Barney Merry Lodge No. 29, Unity Lodge No. 34, and E. L. Freeman Lodge No. 41, shall henceforth enjoy concurrent jurisdiction in the territory assigned to any one of them or group of them as defined in Standing Order Nos. 64, 68 and 69.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 21, 1955.
Rescinded May 21, 1962.

NO. 85. Not available

NO. 87. Relocation of mount vernon
Ordered: That the charter of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 4, now of Providence, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in the location of said lodge to Harmony Temple in the city of Cranston, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
Oct. 18, 1963.
Amended November 15, 1969.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 89. Relocation of rhodes
Ordered: That the charter of Rhodes Lodge No. 44, now of Cranston, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in the location of said lodge to Warwick, County of Kent, State of Rhode Island.
All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
November 1, 1963.
Rescinded November 18, 1989.

NO. 93. Charter of al hasa
Ordered: That a charter be issued to Al Hasa Lodge No. 49, to be located in the City of Dhahran, within the Country of Saudi Arabia.
May 16, 1966.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.

NO. 96. Relocation of what cheer
Ordered: That the charter of What Cheer Lodge No. 21, now of Providence, State of Rhode Island, be amended to allow a change in location of said lodge to Cranston, County of Providence, State of Rhode Island. All other provisions incorporated in the original charter are hereby continued in effect.
Rescinded November 16, 1996.