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2.2.16 Correspondence with other jurisdictions

No subordinate lodge shall hold official correspondence with any lodge without this jurisdiction, unless the consent of the Grand Master be first obtained.

2.2.17 Disobedience of authority

Every subordinate lodge which shall knowingly or willfully disobey these regulations, or any part thereof, or shall neglect or refuse to conform to the Constitution and Edicts of this Grand Lodge, or the requirements of the Grand Master, shall be liable to an arrest or revocation of its charter; and the officers and members of any lodge aiding and abetting such disobedience, neglect or refusal, may be suspended by the Grand Master, and shall be liable to a further suspension or expulsion, at the pleasure of the Grand Lodge.
Amended November 16, 1996.

2.2.18 Jewels of subordinate lodge officers

The jewels of any subordinate lodge hereafter constituted shall be as follows:

  • a. Master - the square.
  • b. Senior Warden - the level.
  • c. Junior Warden - the plumb.
  • d. Treasurer - the crossed keys.
  • e. Secretary - the crossed pens.
  • f. Chaplain - the Bible.
  • g. Senior Deacon - Square and Compasses enclosing a blazing sun.
  • h. Junior Deacon - Square and Compasses enclosing a crescent moon.
  • i. Stewards - cornucopia.
  • j. Marshal - baton.
  • k. Sentinel - crossed swords.
  • l. Musical Director - lyre.
  • m. Tiler - sword.

Amended November 16, 1996.
The jewels of the officers of a subordinate lodge shall be of silver or white metal, and the decorations shall be of blue.

2.2.19 Subordinate lodge regalia

No person shall be present in a subordinate lodge wearing any Masonic regalia or jewel other than that pertaining to the Symbolic Degrees.

2.2.2 Receiving degrees from another jurisdiction

No subordinate lodge or member thereof shall recognize as a Mason any resident of this State who has received the degrees of Masonry in another jurisdiction without having first obtained the consent of the lodge claiming jurisdiction over him, until such lodge shall give its unanimous consent therefor by ballot at a regular communication.
See Decision No. 29.

Related Decisions

No. 29. Resident With Foreign Degrees

Decision: A person who while absent in foreign country received the degrees, upon his return to this jurisdiction desire to visit a lodge. I decided that he could not be allowed to visit, and that the brethren must not hold Masonic intercourse with him. Afterwards he desired to affiliate with the lodge, and I authorized the Master, if he was satisfied that the person referred to was ignorant of our regulations, and innocent of any attempt to contravene them, to examine him, and if he was satisfied that he had been made in a regular lodge, and had the proper vouchers, to receive his application for membership in the usual way, and admit him upon a unanimous ballot, and the payment of the regular fee.

Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.20. May 15, 1882. (Freeman, GM)

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.3.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.7.


2.2.20 Past master's jewel

The jewel of a Past Master shall be a pair of golden compasses extended to 60° on a quadrant, and enclosing a blazing sun.

2.2.21 Voting on petitions for the degrees of freemasonry

If any subordinate lodge has three (3) or more petitions for the Degrees of Freemasonry to be balloted upon at its regular stated communication, at his discretion the Master of that lodge may have a single ballot taken for all the petitions. If the ballot is determined to be foul, a separate ballot shall be taken upon each petition.
Amended November 15, 2008

2.2.3 Fees for the three degrees

No subordinate lodge shall confer the three degrees of Freemasonry for a less sum than sixty-five dollars, to be apportioned as follows: namely, twenty-five dollars for the Entered Apprentice, twenty dollars for the Fellow Craft, and twenty dollars for the Master Mason degree, to be paid in each case before the degree in conferred.
See Decision Nos 10, 57; Standing Order Nos. 91, 91.2.

Related Decisions

No. 10. Refund Of Fee For Previous Degree.

Decision: That when a brother is denied advancement to the second degree, no part of the amount paid for the first degree can be refunded to him.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.3. November 27, 1865. (Ballou, GM)


No. 57. Refund Of Fees Prior To Removal

Decision: A lodge has not the right to remit the initiation fee of a Mason who receives the degrees in a lodge, and shortly after removes from the jurisdiction.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.3. May 20, 1907. (Presbrey, GM)


Related Standing Orders

No. 91. Fees For The Three Degrees

Resolved: That no subordinate lodge shall confer the three (3) degrees of Freemasonry for a sum less than sixty-five dollars to be apportioned as follows: namely, twenty-five dollars for the Entered Apprentice, twenty dollars for the Fellow Craft and twenty dollars for the Master Mason degree, to be paid in each case before the degree is conferred, together with any and all assessments by the Grand Lodge.

Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 2.2.3.

No. 91_2. George Washington Memorial

Ordered: That no person applying for the degrees of Masonry to a lodge in this jurisdiction shall receive the Entered Apprentice degree until he shall have paid, in addition to the required fee, the sum of one dollar for the Masonic Home Fund and three dollars for the Endowment Fund of the George Washington Masonic Memorial, a total of four dollars and no person from another jurisdiction applying for affiliation shall be permitted to sign the by-laws until he shall have paid, in addition to the affiliation fee, the sum of one dollar for the Masonic Home Fund. The amounts so collected shall be promptly forwarded to the Grand Secretary.

May 20, 1946.

Amended May 21, 1979.

Re-designated from No. 79 November 16, 1996.