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2.1.9 Title of Master of Ceremonies

Any Brother who dies after having been appointed Grand Master of Ceremonies for any member of the Grand Council and prior to being appointed Right Worshipful Grand Marshal, and who has served as the Master of Ceremonies for at least three (3) years while the member of the Grand Council who appointed him was a District Deputy Grand Master, shall posthumously receive the title of Right Worshipful. This regulation shall be retroactive for any Brother who was a Grand Master of Ceremonies to a member of Grand Council and died subsequent to January 1, 1994.
Amended November 15, 2008.

2.2.1 Number of offices held

No Mason shall hold more than one office above the rank of Steward, in more than one lodge, when such office is a line office position.
Amended November 20, 1982.

See Decision No. 92.

Related Decisions

No. 92. Clarification Of Line Officers

Decision: I rule that the Treasurer, Secretary and Chaplain of a subordinate lodge are not line officers.

Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 18, 1995. (Cole, GM)

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.1.


2.2.10 Approval of records

Every subordinate lodge shall approve its records at the same communication at which the business is transacted.

See Decision No. 12.

Related Decisions

No. 12. Degree Of Lodge For Approval Of Records

Decision: That the records of a Master's lodge can only be approved in a lodge of that degree; but those of an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Lodge may be approved when open on a higher degree; and that all records should be approved before the lodge is closed.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.10. November 13, 1867. (Doyle, GM)


2.2.11 Unmasonic conduct of sojourners

Any subordinate lodge may take cognizance of the unmasonic conduct of a sojourning brother.

2.2.12 Opening without Master and Wardens

No subordinate lodge shall be opened in the absence of the Master and Wardens, except by order of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.

2.2.13 Vacancy in office of Master or Warden

Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of a Master or Warden, it shall continue until the annual election, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
See Decision Nos. 22, 66.

Related Decisions

No. 22. Supercedure Of Wardens

Decision: The Master of a lodge cannot supersede a Warden by appointing a Deputy to preside over the lodge in the Master's absence: such power is only in the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.13. May 18, 1847. (Van Slyck, GM)


No. 26. Blank Ballots At Election Of Officers

Decision: Upon the question as to what disposition should be made of a blank ballot found in the box at an election of officers? I decided that a blank piece of paper had no value, expressed no choice, and should be thrown out before the vote was declared.

Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.4. May 15, 1882. (Freeman, GM)


2.2.14 Appeals to the profane

No subordinate lodge or member thereof shall appeal to the profane, either orally or through the public press, or in any other manner, on any question or matter affecting the Masonic character, standing or good name of any brother, or body of brethren, or the Constitution and organization of the Craft. And all Masons and bodies of Masons shall bring their grievances, if any they have, before the proper Masonic authority, to hear and determine the same, patiently awaiting their action, and abiding by the decision made.

No Mason shall give any information concerning the Grand Lodge or any subordinate lodge; or any of the doings of either without the specific authorization of the Grand Master.
Nothing shall appear in any lodge notice or other printed matter, which shall in the least particular refer to the esoteric work of Freemasonry, any notice or other paper containing the names of the candidate to be balloted upon, or for the work of any degree, shall be sent in a sealed envelope.
Amended November 16, 1996.
See Standing Order No. 17.1.

Related Standing Orders

No. 17.1. Business Use Of Membership Lists

Ordered: That the Grand Secretary, all Secretaries of subordinate lodges, and all Masons under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, are forbidden to furnish lists of the members of this Grand Lodge or its subordinate lodges to any person, whether he be a Mason or not, who it is believed intends to use said list in connection with his or any other person's business.

Gen. Regulations, Art. II, Sec. 2.2.14. May 21, 1888.

Re-designated from No. 34 November 16, 1996.


2.2.15 Alteration of by-laws

No alteration in the by-laws of any subordinate lodge shall take effect until the same shall have been approved by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge, and all subordinate lodges shall file a copy of their by-laws and all amendments thereto in the office of the Grand Secretary.
Amended November 17, 1930.