The Grand Master of Masons has all the powers and prerogatives conferred by the ancient Constitutions and the usages and landmarks of the Craft. He may convene any subordinate lodge at his pleasure, preside therein with his officers or by Deputy, inspect its proceedings and require its conformity to the Constitution and Edicts of this Grand Lodge, and to the authorized work and lectures of this jurisdiction; and the expense of such visitations shall be paid upon his order, by the Grand Treasurer. He may require the Master or other officers of any subordinate lodge to attend before him or before any committee of the Grand Lodge, with its charter, records, books of accounts and papers. He may issue his dispensation under his seal for the formation of new lodges, or the continuance of lodges whose charters may have been lost or destroyed. The applications for such dispensations must be signed by not less than seven Master Masons, one of whom shall be a Past Master; and in case such application be for a new lodge, it shall be accompanied by the recommendation of the lodge nearest to the place where the new lodge is to be located; and if there be more than one such lodge, by the recommendation of the oldest lodge. He may for cause arrest the charter of any subordinate lodge, or suspend any of the officers or members thereof, which arrest or suspension shall continue until the next Stated Communication of the Grand Lodge, unless sooner revoked or annulled by him. He may, upon the impeachment of a Master, appoint a commission of Masters or Past Masters of lodges, to investigate the charges; who shall proceed forthwith to examine the same, and shall make report thereon in writing, to the Grand Master.
See Decision Nos. 1, 58; Standing Order Nos. 8, 46.
Related Decisions
No. 01. Setting Aside A Constitutional Requirement
Decision: That a dispensation from the Grand Master is necessary to set aside a requirement of the Constitution.
Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 1.4.1. November 13, 1867. (Doyle, GM)
No. 58. Expiration Of Dispensations
Decision: That a dispensation issued by a Grand Master has no force after his retirement from office.
Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 1.4.1. May 18, 1908. (Armington, GM)
Related Standing Orders
No. 08. Diploma With Predecessor's Signature
Resolved: That the Grand Master be authorized in his discretion to permit a diploma of this Grand Lodge to be issued with the signature of a previous Grand Master.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.4.1; 1.4.5. May 18, 1874.
No. 46. Past Master's Degree
Resolved: That the Grand Master for the time being is authorized to direct that the Past Master's degree be conferred or communicated after the close of all the ceremonies of installation.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.4.1. November 18, 1907.