1.4.4 Grand Treasurer
The Grand Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all moneys by him received and paid, and at the Annual Communication shall render an account thereof and of all special funds in his possession, duly audited by the Standing Committee on Finance. He shall deliver to his successor in office all books, papers and property of the Grand Lodge entrusted to his care. He shall give bond in some authorized bonding company to the satisfaction of the Grand Master for the faithful discharge of his official duties. The expense of such bond shall be borne by the Grand Lodge. He shall pay out the moneys by him received upon the order of the Grand Lodge. He shall invest and reinvest the funds of the Grand Lodge in such manner as the Standing Committee on Finance and the Grand Master may direct. He shall honor only such drafts against the funds of the Grand Lodge as are signed by the Grand Secretary and countersigned by the Grand Master.
Amended November 17, 1930.
See Standing Order No. 2.
Related Standing Orders
No. 02. Thomas Smith Webb Monument
Resolved: That the fund this day received from the Webb Monument Association, be invested by the Grand Treasurer in such a manner as he may deem expedient, and the income thereof be, and the same shall, from time to time be, applied to the necessary repairs of the monument of the late THOMAS SMITH WEBB, PGM, and the lot on which it stands.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.4.4. May 25, 1863.