1.4.6 DIstrict Deputy Grand Masters
Each District Deputy Grand Master shall visit personally every lodge in his district for the special purpose of inspecting the work, by-laws, books of record and accounts and to inquire into their condition and proceedings. He shall also preside at the election and install the officers of each lodge in his district. He shall at all times exercise immediate supervision over the affairs of the district committed to his charge, and shall make report of his doings, together with the condition of the lodges in his District to the Grand Master at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and at such other times as the Grand Master shall direct. He shall be reimbursed for his necessary expenses in visiting the lodges.
See Standing Order No. 30.
Related Standing Orders
No. 30. Duties Of District Deputy Grand Masters
Ordered: That the District Deputy Grand Masters shall examine at least once in each Masonic year, the original charter of all the lodges in their respective jurisdictions, and if a lodge at the annual election and installation of its officers uses a duplicate charter, the original charter being in existence but not used because of its fragile condition, the District Deputy Grand Master of the jurisdiction shall state in his report to the Grand Master where the original charter is deposited.
Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.4.6. November 20, 1922.