1.7.11 Forfeiture of representation
No subordinate lodge shall be entitled to representation in Grand Lodge unless its returns shall have been deposited in the office of the Grand Secretary as required in this Article, and its dues paid previous to the opening of the Annual Communication, or the Semi-Annual, of the Grand Lodge, unless by a majority of the members present voting in the affirmative.
Amended May 18, 1959. Amended November 21, 2009, Ault, GM
See Standing Order No. 22.
Related Standing Orders
No. 22. Late Payment Of Per-Capita Tax
Resolved: That a penalty of five percent. shall be added to the sum due for the per-capita tax of any lodge which shall omit or neglect to pay the tax on or before the day required by Grand Lodge, and the sum of one percent for each month or portion of a month that the same shall remain unpaid, after the lapse of one month from the day of payment, and the Grand Secretary shall, in all cases, collect such penalties.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.11. May 17, 1880.
Amended May 20, 1946; November 16, 1996.