2.2.14 Appeals to the profane

No subordinate lodge or member thereof shall appeal to the profane, either orally or through the public press, or in any other manner, on any question or matter affecting the Masonic character, standing or good name of any brother, or body of brethren, or the Constitution and organization of the Craft. And all Masons and bodies of Masons shall bring their grievances, if any they have, before the proper Masonic authority, to hear and determine the same, patiently awaiting their action, and abiding by the decision made.

No Mason shall give any information concerning the Grand Lodge or any subordinate lodge; or any of the doings of either without the specific authorization of the Grand Master.
Nothing shall appear in any lodge notice or other printed matter, which shall in the least particular refer to the esoteric work of Freemasonry, any notice or other paper containing the names of the candidate to be balloted upon, or for the work of any degree, shall be sent in a sealed envelope.
Amended November 16, 1996.
See Standing Order No. 17.1.

Related Standing Orders

No. 17.1. Business Use Of Membership Lists

Ordered: That the Grand Secretary, all Secretaries of subordinate lodges, and all Masons under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, are forbidden to furnish lists of the members of this Grand Lodge or its subordinate lodges to any person, whether he be a Mason or not, who it is believed intends to use said list in connection with his or any other person's business.

Gen. Regulations, Art. II, Sec. 2.2.14. May 21, 1888.

Re-designated from No. 34 November 16, 1996.