2.2.13 Vacancy in office of Master or Warden
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of a Master or Warden, it shall continue until the annual election, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
See Decision Nos. 22, 66.
Related Decisions
No. 22. Supercedure Of Wardens
Decision: The Master of a lodge cannot supersede a Warden by appointing a Deputy to preside over the lodge in the Master's absence: such power is only in the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.13. May 18, 1847. (Van Slyck, GM)
No. 26. Blank Ballots At Election Of Officers
Decision: Upon the question as to what disposition should be made of a blank ballot found in the box at an election of officers? I decided that a blank piece of paper had no value, expressed no choice, and should be thrown out before the vote was declared.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.4. May 15, 1882. (Freeman, GM)