1.7.17 Withdrawal of petitions
No subordinate lodge shall permit a degree of Freemasonry, or an application for membership to be withdrawn after it has been referred to a committee, except, first, in the case of favorable report of the committee, by a majority vote of the lodge, or second, in the case of an unfavorable report by a unanimous vote of the lodge at a regular communication.
Amended November 17, 1952.
See Decision No. 53.
Related Decisions
No. 53. Status Following Withdrawal Of Petitions
Decision: In the case of a profane residing in the Grand Jurisdiction, had applied to a lodge within the state, and who afterwards, with the consent of the lodge to which he had petitioned, withdrew his petition, it was decided that the petitioner was in the same position as that in which he would have been if he had never petitioned and that he could constitutionally apply to any lodge within this jurisdiction.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. 1.7.17. May 15, 1899. (Van Slyck, G. M)
Amended November 17, 1979