1.7.13 Form of petition for degrees
No subordinate lodge shall receive a petition for the degrees of Freemasonry, except at a regular communication nor unless the same shall be signed by the petitioner, stating his residence, age, occupation, whether he has resided within the State for the period of one year next preceding the date of such petition, and whether he has before applied for initiation, nor unless such petition be signed by one member of the lodge to which the same is made, recommending the petitioner as worthy to receive the degrees; nor shall it advance a Mason made in another lodge, without the consent of the lodge where he was made. The petition for the degrees shall be referred to a committee of not less than two members, to be appointed by the Master, whose names shall appear on the record and who shall make report in writing at the next regular communication. No ballot upon such petition shall be taken unless two members of the committee shall have reported.
Amended November 19, 1988.
See Decision Nos. 4, 32, 52, 53, 84; Standing Order No. 11.
Related Decisions
No. 04. Height Or Weight Restrictions
Decision: That a dwarf in stature was eligible to Masonic membership, if he was a man possessing proper internal qualifications. That there was no required standard as to height or weight of candidates.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. November 18, 1872. (Doyle, GM)
No. 32. Residents With Out-Of-State Residences
Decision, A lodge cannot lawfully receive a petition for the degrees from a profane, who, although he has lived for more than a year within the jurisdiction of the lodge, yet has maintained a legal residence in another State, and within the year next preceding the time of making application for the degrees, has exercised the right of suffrage in that State.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. November 20, 1882. (Vincent, GM)
No. 52. Statement Of Clear Ballot
Decision: A petitioner who had received a clear ballot but had removed to another State before taking the degrees, may, upon his request obtain from the Master of the lodge an official statement that he had received a clear ballot, and had not presented himself to receive the degrees; but that his eligibility in the neighboring State was to be determined by the Masonic law of that jurisdiction.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. May 15, 1899. (Van Slyck, G. M)
No. 53. Status Following Withdrawal Of Petitions
Decision: In the case of a profane residing in the Grand Jurisdiction, had applied to a lodge within the state, and who afterwards, with the consent of the lodge to which he had petitioned, withdrew his petition, it was decided that the petitioner was in the same position as that in which he would have been if he had never petitioned and that he could constitutionally apply to any lodge within this jurisdiction.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. 1.7.17. May 15, 1899. (Van Slyck, G. M)
Amended November 17, 1979
No. 84. Eyesight Restrictions
Decision: An applicant who is blind should not be disbarred from becoming a member nor be deprived from receiving the rites and benefits of Freemasonry provided he has proper character, mental capacity and financial ability.
Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.13. Dec. 10, 1975. (Bromberg, GM)
Related Standing Orders
No. 11. Physical Qualifications Of A Candidate
Ordered: The physical qualifications of a candidate shall be determined by the subordinate lodge receiving the petition, and the several lodges are enjoined to satisfy themselves in each case of the ability of the candidate to understand and explain or exemplify the secrets of the Craft when properly called upon, and of the ability of the candidate to support himself and his dependents.
Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.13. Revised May 21, 1923.