1.2.5 Appointment of standing committees
There shall be appointed by the Grand Master at each Annual Communication, the following Standing Committees, the first named member of each to be Chairman thereof; on Credentials, on Foreign Correspondence, on the Library, on Charters and By-Laws, and on Printing, each to consist of three members, the Grand Secretary to be one of the members of the Committee on Printing; on Jurisprudence, to consist of five members.
Amended November 16, 1959; November 19, 1966; November 18, 2000 Members of Committee on Finance
The Standing Committee on Finance shall consist of the Deputy Grand Master ex-officio, and three other members of Grand Lodge who shall be first appointed by the Grand Master for terms of three, two, and one year, respectively and thereafter the Grand Master shall appoint at each Annual Communication one member who shall serve for three years. The Grand Master shall designate the member of said committee who shall serve as Chairman. No action of said committee with respect to the investment, transfer or other employment of funds shall become effective without the approval of the Grand Master.
Amended November 19, 1934; November 20, 1999 Members of Grand Lodge Freemasons' Hall
The Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge Freemasons' Hall shall consist of the Grand Master, ex-officio; Grand Secretary, ex-officio; and Grand Treasurer, ex-officio; and five (5) other members who shall be first elected by a majority vote of the members of Grand Lodge present at the Annual Communication for terms of five, four, three and two years, respectively. Therefore, commencing at the May 2002 Annual Communication, one or more names be nominated by any voting member of this Grand Lodge to be voted on by a majority vote of members of this Grand Lodge present to fill the one vacancy for a period of five (5) years. In the event of the death or resignation of any committee member with a year or less left in his term, the Grand Master then in office shall appoint in his stead a member of Grand Lodge to serve for the remainder of his term. If the term vacated be greater than one (1) year, at the next Communication of Grand Lodge the position will be filled to its completion by the same election process.
At the first meeting next following the Annual Communication, the committee shall elect its chairman.
Amended November 18, 1995; November 20, 1999; November 17, 2001