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90 Grand and Associate Grand Chaplians

No. 90. Grand And Associate Grand Chaplains

Decision: I rule that the Grand Chaplains and the Associate Grand Chaplains carry the title Right Worshipful without the requirement of being Master or Past Master of a lodge, and they continue to use the title Right Worshipful only during their term of office.

I further rule that, with the approval of the presiding Grand Master, the title Right Worshipful be retained by Grand Chaplains and Associate Grand Chaplains who hold Grand Lodge membership and have served continuously as Grand Chaplain or Associate Grand Chaplain for three (3) years or more and shall bear this title thereafter, and shall always be Right Worshipful.

Constitution, Article II, Sec. 1.2.1. May 21, 1990. (McGuire, GM)


91 Seals of The Grand Lodge And Grand Master

No. 91. Seals Of The Grand Lodge And Grand Master

Decision: I rule that the seals of the Grand Lodge and Grand Master are the property of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Master's seal is to be used by the Grand Master only. The Grand Lodge seal is to be used by the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary only. No other past or present Grand Lodge officers, lodge or Mason may reproduce these seals for their own use.

Constitution, Article I, Sec. 1.1.2. November 18, 1995. (Cole, GM)

Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 1.4.5.


92 Clarification of Line Officers

No. 92. Clarification Of Line Officers

Decision: I rule that the Treasurer, Secretary and Chaplain of a subordinate lodge are not line officers.

Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.3. November 18, 1995. (Cole, GM)

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.1.


93 Printed in error

No. 93. Printed In Error


94 Electronic communication of Lodge Notices

No. 94. E mail of a lodge meeting notice.

Decision: I ruled that a lodge of this jurisdiction may communicate it’s meeting notice to those members who have previously requested it by electronic mail, ( E-mail). Those who do not request e-mail must receive the notice by the United States Postal Service. Exception: When a notice contains the name of a proposed candidate for ballot, all notices shall be by USPS in a sealed envelope. Lodges using electronic mail must adhere to the criteria set by the Grand Secretary’s Office.

May 21, 2007. (C. B. Willi, GM)

95 Establish a Board of Governance for the Grand Lodge

No. 95. Establish A Board Of Governance For The Grand Lodge

Decision: In order to be in compliance with the Federal law, the Internal Revenue Service Regulations and generally accepted accounting principles applicable to Not-For-Profit Organizations, I hereby establish a "Board of Governance" for the Grand Lodge to be comprised of: the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, two (2) members of the Jurisprudence Committee, one (1) member of the Charters and By-Laws Committee, and two (2) At Large members who are members in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge. Each of the last five Members of the Board of Governance shall be appointed by the Grand Master for a one-year term. These Board Members may not be reappointed for more than five (5) consecutive terms. The Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary shall be non-voting ex-officio members. The duties of this board shall be to manage the business and financial affairs of the Grand Lodge. Meetings of the Board may be called by the Grand Master or any three Board Members upon three (3) days notice unless the Members waive such notice in writing. At any meeting of the Board, five (5) Board Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of the majority of the Board Members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board.

November 15, 2008 (Sokoll, GM)


96 Degree of Lodge for approval of records

No. 96. Degree of Lodge for Approval of Records.

Decision: Usual lodge business may be conducted in the 1st or 2nd degree, except that of balloting on new candidates, or the discussion of Masonic Charges, unless the charges are against a brother of that degree.

Gen Regulations, Art. II, Sec 2.2.10.

November 17, 2012. ( Connell, GM)

97 Clarification of electronic communication of Lodge Notices

No. 97. E-mail of lodge meeting notices:

Decision: I ruled that a lodge of this jurisdiction, using e-mail for notification to its members of a meeting, may include the name of a prospective candidate for ballot. All those members receiving electronic notices must have previously requested that form of notification. Those not requesting e-mail notification must receive the notice via USPS.

Miscellaneous No. 94 Amended.

May 18, 2015. (W. P. Hallstrom III, GM)