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100 Honorary Past Masters are not members of Grand Lodge

No. 100. Honorary Past Masters of a Blue Lodge are not members of Grand Lodge

Decision: A member of a Blue Lodge that by vote of that lodge is bestowed the title of "Honorary Past Master" is not by virtue of his title a member of Grand Lodge. However, for the purpose of a memorial service at the Annual or Semi-Annual of Grand Lodge, the Honorary Past Master’s name may be read at the discretion of the Grand Master

May 17, 2021. (Gary S. Kaufman, GM)

101 The Lewis Jewel

No. 101. The Lewis Jewel

Decision: The Lewis Jewel, honoring a father and a son as a member of the craft may be worn in this jurisdiction going forward. There is no limit to the number of bars representing masonic lineage as long as it can be proven that all are in good standing in their lodge currently or were in good standing at the time of their demit or passing.

May 17, 2021. (Gary S. Kaufman, GM)

102 Permanent Investigating Team

No. 102. Permanent Investigating Team

Decision: In accordance with the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island pamphlet entitled “The Making of a Mason Manual for Investigations and the Interview Team” adopted January 2021; ALL Lodges of this Grand Jurisdiction shall constitute a permanent Investigating Team of five (5) Brothers from within their Lodge.

January 26, 2022  (Robert B. Ellston, GM)

103 Rallies, Marches & Demonstrations

No. 103. Rallies, Marches & Demonstrations

That no banners, signs or items identifying or expressing an opinion may be placed on a Masonic Building or property without dispensation from the Grand Master except those provided by Grand Lodge with explicit instructions for placement. In addition, no member of a Masonic Lodge in this jurisdiction shall participate in any rallies, marches or other public demonstrations wearing Masonic regalia of any kind or any item that may connect said person to the Masonic fraternity without dispensation from the Grand Master.

June 20, 2022  (Robert Palazzo, GM)

104 Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database

No. 104. Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database

As technology has superseded our standard methods of record keeping, it is my decision that all reference in the Constitution, General Regulations, Standing Orders and Decisions regarding the recording or memorialization of all information in books, archives, written or electronic documents or such other similar record keeping items of subordinate lodges and/or members of this Grand Jurisdiction, for the purpose of recording meeting records, officers, committee members, contact information of Inquiries, Candidates, Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, Master Masons, members of the lodge as well as the masonic history and awards of the same and such other information as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge shall deem necessary from time to time, shall be recorded in the Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database. As of the writing of this Decision, the Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database is Grand View and may be subject to change in the future as deemed necessary.

September 24, 2024  (Andre H. Faria, Jr, GM)

105 Additional Grand Lodge Officer Appointments by the Grand Master

No. 105. Additional Grand Lodge Officer Appointments by the Grand Master

It is my decision that, in addition to the elected and appointed officers of the Grand Lodge as stated in Sections 1.1.3 and 1.2.2 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, the Grand Master may, at his discretion, appoint other temporary officers to the Grand Lodge during his term in office. These temporary officers must be Master Masons in good standing and must have active membership in a lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction. These temporary officers will not have voting rights in Grand Lodge unless they meet the qualifications as described in section 1.1.3 of the Constitution. Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly.

November 4, 2024  (Andre H. Faria, Jr, GM)

11 Suspension of by-laws

No. 11. Suspension Of By-Laws

Decision: A Master can suspend a by-law, but is answerable to the Grand Lodge for so doing. There must be a clear necessity for the exercise of the power, which should be used only in great emergencies.

A Master would not be justified in suspending a by-law at his own pleasure, or the convenience of members, or when he has ample time to apply to the Grand Master for a dispensation; but the power should be used when the peace or harmony of the lodge is at stake, or when the law interferes with his prerogatives, or the working of the lodge.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.9. November 15, 1869. (Doyle, GM)


12 Degree of Lodge for approval of records

No. 12. Degree Of Lodge For Approval Of Records

Decision: That the records of a Master's lodge can only be approved in a lodge of that degree; but those of an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Lodge may be approved when open on a higher degree; and that all records should be approved before the lodge is closed.

General Regulations, Article II, Sec. 2.2.10. November 13, 1867. (Doyle, GM)