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1.7.26 Demits

No subordinate lodge shall grant a demit, except at a regular communication thereof and any member in good standing, having paid all dues and no charges appearing against him, shall upon written application over his own signature be entitled to a demit.
See Decision No. 9; Standing Order No. 23.2.


Related Decisions

No. 09. Demits

Decision: Demits granted by a lodge in accordance with its by-laws and customs are valid until such by-law or custom conflicts with an edict of the Grand Master, or the Constitution and Edicts of the Grand Lodge; and these latter take effect from the time they are received by the subordinate.

Constitution, Article VII, Sec. 1.7.26. November 16, 1868. (Doyle, GM)


Related Standing Orders

No. 23.2. Other Records Of The Secretary

Ordered: That the Secretary of each subordinate lodge shall enter in the book provided for recording the names of Masons stricken from the rolls for non-payment of dues, the name of every Mason who shall demit from the lodge, and who has not made application for membership to some other lodge, and shall also record in the same book the names of such Masons which shall be transmitted to him for that purpose by the Grand Secretary.

Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 1.7.26. November 21, 1881.

Re-designated from No. 27 November 16, 1996.