1.7.18 Honorary membership

A brother who has rendered special service to the Craft in general or to a lodge in particular, may be elected an honorary member of a lodge. Due notice must be given at a regular meeting of the proposal to elect at a subsequent meeting to such honorary membership, and the residence address, lodge membership, with the names of his proposer and seconder in the resolution inserted in the notice of the regular meeting at which the ballot is to be taken. The election must be held in the same manner as that of applicants for regular membership by a clear secret ballot.

Such honorary membership imposes no duties or responsibilities, requires no payment of dues or fees, confers no rights and privileges, except the right of visitation and speaking from the floor.

Honorary members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office with the exception of such noted in Section 1.7.4. Honorary membership may be revoked by a majority vote at any Stated Communication.
May 18, 1987