1.6.1 Return of dispensations for continuance

All dispensations issued by the Grand Master for the continuance of lodges, whose charters are lost or destroyed, or for the establishment of new lodges, shall be returned to the Grand Lodge at the next Annual or Semi-Annual Communication succeeding the date thereof. The dispensations for the new lodges shall be accompanied by the records and the proposed by-laws of said lodges.
Amended May 21, 1928.
See Decision No. 2.



Related Decisions


No. 02. Voting In Lodges Under Dispensation

Decision: The only persons authorized to vote on a question before a lodge under dispensation, are the persons named in the dispensation. Custom in this jurisdiction, and courtesy, would allow persons raised in such a lodge to vote as though original members, but this must be left to the latter to decide. No Mason not named in the dispensation, or raised in the lodge, has any right whatever to participate in the proceedings.

Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 1.6.1. November 16, 1868. (Doyle, GM)