1.4.7 Standing Committees

The powers of the various standing committees are listed in the following paragraphs.
November 16, 1996. Finance And Audit
The Standing Committee on Finance shall examine and cause to be audited annually all financial accounts, records, and securities of Grand Lodge by a disinterested licensed practicing accountant. They shall see that the records of the Grand Secretary are properly kept, and the books and papers of the Grand Lodge properly preserved. They shall recommend such compensation for the services of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, or either of them, as may seem just and proper; and they shall report to the Grand Lodge, at the Annual Communication, before the election of officers, an account of the receipts and expenditures of the preceding year, with a statement of the property of Grand Lodge. They shall supervise the affairs of Grand Lodge and direct the investment and reinvestment by the Grand Treasurer of all Grand Lodge funds. No investment shall be made which is not a legal investment for Savings Banks in Rhode Island which does not receive the unanimous approval of the members of the committee, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to forbid the retention of investments in the form in which they are now held or in the form in which they may hereafter be received by gift, devise or bequest.
Amended November 17, 1930; November 16, 1996; November 17, 2007. Credentials
The Standing Committee on Credentials shall, at each communication of the Grand Lodge, ascertain the number of brethren present entitled to vote therein, together with their names, rank, and the lodge they represent, and report the same as soon as possible after the opening of the Grand Lodge. They shall also ascertain and report whether or not the returns of the subordinate lodges are in proper form and correct. Foreign Correspondence
The Standing Committee on Foreign Correspondence shall consider and report on all communications from foreign Grand Lodges. They shall have power to review proceedings of other Grand Lodges, and to report on such matters, as in their opinion, may be of interest to Grand Lodge. Library
The Standing Committee on the Library shall have general charge of the library, and are authorized to make additions thereto, by purchase or otherwise, and to cause repairs to be made, provided the amount expended by them shall not exceed the appropriations made therefor. Charters And By-Laws
The Standing Committee on Charters and By-Laws shall consider and report to Grand Lodge on all petitions for charters, and to the Grand Master on all by-laws and amendments to by-laws adopted by subordinate lodges. Jurisprudence
The Standing Committee on Jurisprudence shall examine all reports of the Grand Officers, and shall consider and report on any decisions, recommendations, or suggestions contained therein. Printing
The Standing Committee on Printing shall have supervision of the work of printing for the Grand Lodge. Past Grand Masters Portraits
Deleted November 18, 2000. Financial Advice To Subordinate Lodges
Deleted November 18, 2000. Advancement Of Freemasonry
The Standing Committee for the Advancement of Freemasonry shall review the various and sundry activities of all Masonic organizations within the State of Rhode Island and shall make such recommendations and propose such plans and procedures for action as may fall within the purview of the Grand Lodge.
November 16, 1959. Status Of The Craft
The Standing Committee on the Status of the Craft shall consist of six (6) members including the Grand Secretary, Grand Lecturer and Deputy Grand Master. This committee shall survey all aspects of the condition of Symbolic Lodges within the Grand Jurisdiction, and report to the Grand Lodge at the Annual Communication. In addition, they shall perform such duties as the Grand Master may direct in relation to the condition of the Craft in general.
Amended November 16, 1996. Youth
The Standing Committee on Youth shall consist of four (4) members including the Grand Master. This committee shall study and coordinate the work of DeMolay, Rainbow and the Masonic Youth Foundation, in relationship to the workings of the Symbolic Lodges within this Grand Jurisdiction.
Amended November 16, 1996. Grand Masters Reports
The Standing Committee of the Grand Masters Reports shall consist of three (3) members including the Grand Secretary. This committee shall review all recommendations in the Grand Masters Semi-Annual and Annual reports, and shall inform in writing such committees who are required to act on such recommendations. This committee shall be responsible for such items requiring a vote of this Grand Lodge to be printed in the proceedings.
Amended November 16, 1996. Grand Lodge Freemasons' Hall
The Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge Freemasons' Hall shall consist of eight (8) members. This committee shall supervise and manage the operations, repair, maintenance, renovation and rental of Freemasons' Hall located at 222 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, Rhode Island. The committee shall prepare a budget for the operation, maintenance, and repair of Freemasons' Hall and submit that budget to the Standing Committee on Finance at a time convenient for the Standing Committee on Finance's budget process. The committee must, in all of its activities, strictly comply with the Grand Lodge's Constitution, General Regulations, Decisions and Standing Orders.
All contracts in excess of $3,000 must have a set of specifications for the work to be done and must be offered for bidding. The committee, while exercising sound business practice, is not required to accept the lowest bid when awarding the contract. Not withstanding the aforesaid, in the event of an extreme emergency where action must be taken without delay, the committee shall have the authority to act even though it may exceed $3,000.
Ratification of such action shall be verified as soon as practical by the authority concerned.
November 18, 1995 Strategic Planning
November 20, 2004