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104 Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database

No. 104. Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database

As technology has superseded our standard methods of record keeping, it is my decision that all reference in the Constitution, General Regulations, Standing Orders and Decisions regarding the recording or memorialization of all information in books, archives, written or electronic documents or such other similar record keeping items of subordinate lodges and/or members of this Grand Jurisdiction, for the purpose of recording meeting records, officers, committee members, contact information of Inquiries, Candidates, Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, Master Masons, members of the lodge as well as the masonic history and awards of the same and such other information as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge shall deem necessary from time to time, shall be recorded in the Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database. As of the writing of this Decision, the Active Grand Lodge Electronic Database is Grand View and may be subject to change in the future as deemed necessary.

September 24, 2024  (Andre H. Faria, Jr, GM)