2.5.2 Duties of forums
Forums of Masonic Education when formed pursuant hereto shall organize in such manner as the Grand Master may order and may adopt such by-laws and other rules for the conduct of their work as may be approved by the Grand Master or by the Committee on Masonic Education under his direction. Such forums shall be answerable for their proceedings and responsible that the type of instruction and programs therein adopted have received the sanction of the Grand Master. They shall meet at such times and in such places as they may from time to time decide and shall give notice of such meetings to the Master of each constituent lodge. They shall present to the candidates of each constituent lodge and to Master Masons such instruction and programs as may be approved by the Grand Master or by the Committee on Masonic Education under his direction. Each Forum of Masonic Education shall keep a record of its proceedings, and of the names of all brethren present at each meeting who are not members of the constituent lodges, and of the brethren chosen to hold office, and such records shall be produced by such forums when called for by the Grand Master or by any of the constituent lodges.