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1.7.6 Lost or destroyed charter

Whenever the charter of a subordinate lodge shall be lost or destroyed, it shall be the duty of the Master of said lodge to make application forthwith to the Grand Master, or to the Grand Lodge, for a dispensation, empowering it to continue work.

1.7.7 Revocation of charter

Every subordinate lodge whose charter shall be revoked by the Grand Lodge, shall, upon such revocation, return to the Grand Lodge such charter, together with its records, by-laws, seal, jewels, clothing, working tools, funds and property of every description belonging to said lodge; and the officers and members of such lodge who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, or who shall receive and retain any portion of such property, shall be liable to suspension or expulsion at the pleasure of the Grand Lodge.

1.7.8 Notification of annual communication

Each subordinate lodge shall notify the Grand Secretary of the day and hour of its annual election at least ten days prior thereto, and shall notify the District Deputy Grand Master to whom the lodge is assigned and the Grand Lecturer of the day and hour of all meetings of the lodge, except emergent communications, at least three days prior thereto. At the annual election, if neither the District Deputy Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Warden, nor a Deputy especially appointed for the purpose be present to preside, then the oldest Past Master of the lodge present shall preside, and in the absence of all the Officers named, the election shall be postponed until the next regular communication of the lodge, and due notice thereof be given to the Grand Secretary.
Amended November 17, 1930.

1.7.9 Annual returns

Each subordinate lodge shall deposit in the office of the Grand Secretary, on or before the fifth day of April, a Annual return for the year ending March 31st, signed by the Secretary, under the seal of said lodge containing the number of Stated and Special Communications held since the last Annual return, the summary of all persons initiated, passed, raised, reinstated, admitted to membership, and those admitted holding dual membership, candidates rejected, members demitted, dropped, suspended, expelled and deceased.
Amended Nov. 16, 2019. First Amended November 16, 1968.

1.8.1 Requirements

This Constitution shall not be altered or amended except by the consent of two-thirds of the members present, at least five lodges being represented, at an Annual or Semi-Annual Communication succeeding that at which such alteration or amendment was proposed in writing and entered on the records, notice of the form of the proposed amendment having been given in the warrant for calling the communication.

1.8.2 Paper Ballot

All balloting and/or voting conducted at all Grand Lodge communications pertaining to changes or amendments to the Constitution, General Regulations, Decisions or Standing Orders shall be by secret paper ballot unless waived by a two-thirds vote of all members present.
All other matters may be voted in the usual manner of voting. A count must be taken and recorded for each ballot or vote taken.
November 18, 1995

Article I - The Grand Lodge

Article II - The Grand Officers