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1.3.1 Appointment and voting privileges

The Master and Wardens of subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, who may be unable to attend the communications of the Grand Lodge in person, shall have the power to appoint under their hand a proxy, being a member of the same lodge, who shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of his constituent, except that of taking his rank in the Grand Lodge. If the member holding the "proxy vote" is a Past Master, he shall not lose his own vote or station in the Grand Lodge. No individual, thus no member of Grand Lodge may cast more than two votes, that of his own and the proxy he carries. Any person holding a proxy vote will be given an easily identifiable colored proxy vote book, to be used for both secret ballot or non-secret voting. This proxy vote book will be of different color than that of regular voting members. These will be issued at the time of registration, when properly executed proxy forms are presented to the Credentials Committee and verified as being legitimate. Each officer and member of this Grand Lodge shall, in his own right, be entitled to one vote; he may, in addition thereto, cast the vote of any Master, or Warden, whose proxy he may hold in accordance with this article.
Amended May 18, 1992; November 16, 1996.