1.2.6 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall manage the business and financial affairs of the Grand Lodge and oversee the investment by the Grand Treasurer of all Grand Lodge funds.
- (1) The Executive Committee shall consist of seven voting members as follows: Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden and three (3) Master Masons at large in good standing from the RI jurisdiction ("At Large Members"). The Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary shall each serve on the Executive Committee as Ex-officio members without the right to vote on any matter before this committee. Voting members of the Executive Committee shall serve without compensation.
- (2) Each year one Master Mason at large will be elected at the semi-annual communication of Grand Large commencing with the semi-annual communication at which this amendment is adopted. The Nominating Committee for the At Large Member shall consist of the District Deputy Grand Masters then serving who will nominate one Master Mason. Recommendations from the Nominating Committee and nominations from the floor by a Grand Lodge member will be accepted for inclusion on the election ballot. A vote for the nominees by paper ballot will be taken and the first nominee who receives a majority of the ballots cast will be elected to serve a three-year term. If no nominee receives the majority of the ballots cast on the first ballot, the nominee with the lowest number of ballots cast will be dropped as a candidate from the next succeeding ballot until a nominee receives a majority of all ballots cast. At the semi-annual communication at which this amendment is adopted, the Grand Master will appoint an At Large Member for a two year term and an At Large Member for a one year term. The At Large Member's term shall commence on the immediate following annual upon his election of appointment, whichever is applicable.
- (3) Any At Large Member who has been elected to serve on the Executive Committee cannot be re-elected until he has been off the Executive Committee for a period of one year.
- (4) The Grand Master shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee on at least a quarterly basis with two (2) of those meetings being convened within four (4) weeks prior to the semi-annual communication and the annual communication of the Grand Lodge.
- (5) A quorum shall consist of four voting members. A vote of a least four (4) voting members of the Executive Committee shall decide an issue.
- (6) A vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled by the Grand Master. If there is more than twelve (12) months remaining on that Member's term until the next Grand Lodge semi-annual communication, that Member's replacement shall be elected at the next Grand Lodge semi-annual communication to serve out the remainder of the term.
- (7) The Executive Committee shall have the following powers, duties, and obligations: (i) the obligation to act as a fiduciary of all funds in its care and custody; (ii) the right to hire such officials, agents and employees as may be required from time to time in order to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities hereunder; (iii) the right to authorize payment of funds and the execution of contracts; (iv) the right to exercise such other powers as are inherent in an executive body and which are otherwise consistent with the terms, meaning and intent of the Constitution and (v) the right to use funds of the Grand Lodge to make required and necessary payments to officials, agents and employees.
- (8) The Executive Committee shall have oversight responsibilities over all Grand Lodge committees and persons that perform operational and/or financial duties or services by or on behalf of Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge committees and persons, that perform duties and services that are exclusively fraternal in nature, shall be overseen by the Grand Master.
Amended November 19, 2011