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2.4.4 Reinstatement following expulsion or suspension

Grand Lodge may, on petition, reinstate an expelled or suspended Mason, but such action only restores to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry and not to membership in the lodge from which he was expelled or suspended, without its unanimous consent.

2.4.5 Procedure for Grand Lodge

In the trial of a brother before the Grand Lodge, the proceedings shall be conducted in such manner as may be ordered at the time.

2.5.1 Membership of forums

The Grand Master is authorized and requested to form the lodges holding charters of this Grand Lodge into Forums of Masonic Education for the purpose of presenting to the candidates of each constituent lodge and to Master Masons such non-ritualistic instruction and programs as may be approved by the Grand Master. He may issue Warrants to such Forums of Masonic Education specifying the particular lodges composing them, and he may at any time and from time to time change the membership of such forums. If, in the opinion of the Grand Master, it shall at any time, be inexpedient to form the lodges which are chartered by this Grand Lodge outside the State of Rhode Island into Forums of Masonic Education or to continue in existence any such Forums of Masonic Education formed pursuant hereto he may require that such instruction and programs shall be presented in the particular lodges which are not members of any Forums of Masonic Education in such manner and under such conditions as he may at any time and from time to time order.

2.5.2 Duties of forums

Forums of Masonic Education when formed pursuant hereto shall organize in such manner as the Grand Master may order and may adopt such by-laws and other rules for the conduct of their work as may be approved by the Grand Master or by the Committee on Masonic Education under his direction. Such forums shall be answerable for their proceedings and responsible that the type of instruction and programs therein adopted have received the sanction of the Grand Master. They shall meet at such times and in such places as they may from time to time decide and shall give notice of such meetings to the Master of each constituent lodge. They shall present to the candidates of each constituent lodge and to Master Masons such instruction and programs as may be approved by the Grand Master or by the Committee on Masonic Education under his direction. Each Forum of Masonic Education shall keep a record of its proceedings, and of the names of all brethren present at each meeting who are not members of the constituent lodges, and of the brethren chosen to hold office, and such records shall be produced by such forums when called for by the Grand Master or by any of the constituent lodges.

2.5.3 Duties of masters

Masters of each constituent lodge composing any Forum of Masonic Education shall cause notice of the times and places of the meetings of such Forums of Masonic Education to be given to the brethren of the constituent lodges through their regular lodge notices. It shall be the duty of the Master of each constituent lodge to see that the candidates of his lodge are present to receive such instruction in the three degrees, unless excused by him for good reason, in which case it shall be his duty to see that such candidates receive the required instruction. All members of the constituent lodges shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Forums of Masonic Education.

2.5.4 Suspension or dissolution of forums

The Grand Master shall have power to suspend or dissolve any Forum of Masonic Education, whether heretofore or hereafter formed when in his opinion there shall be sufficient cause therefore.

2.5.5 Rights of forums

Forums of Masonic Education have none of the rights of chartered lodges.

2.5.6 Admission of visitors

The Presiding Officer of a Forum of Masonic Education shall have the same prerogative as the presiding Master of a chartered lodge with regard to the admission of visitors.
One who has sat with a brother in a chartered lodge or in a Forum of Masonic Education may vouch for him in another Forum of Masonic Education, but sitting with a brother in a Forum of Masonic Education is not sufficient to enable one to vouch for him in a chartered lodge. Only by sitting with a brother in a chartered lodge can one vouch for his admission to another chartered lodge.